Foto-speciál: Samantha Hill

Současná alternace Christine na Broadwayi Samantha Hill dostala na Playbillu článek věnovaný svému dni, od rána až do noci. A tak vzala foťák a poctivě fotila a fotila a k jednotlivým fotkám přidávala zajímavé komentáře.
Zdokumentovala den, kdy se hrály dvě představení za den, přičemž odpolední představení hrála ona, večerní Sierra Boggess - takže na fotkách máme obě.
Co mě na tomto článku nejvíce zaujalo, je informace, že je to budoucí leading lady. Já myslela, že po Sierřině odchodu se vrátí Marni Raab. Všichni si to mysleli...oh well!
Na to, že na Broadwayi střídají herce dost střídmě jsou to rychlé změny...Trista Moldovan si jako leading lady nějak dlouho nezahrála, Marni Raab byla hlavní Christine očividně jen přechodně a ještě kratší dobu než Sierra, která má smlouvu taky jen na šest týdnů....wohooo, copak to? :D
Tak uvidíme, kdo se stane alternací Samanthy!

How I begin most of my days. I'm not much of a morning person so it takes me a few moments to adjust to the light...AND THEN I'M AWESOME.

My steamer and I are good pals! "They" tell me it is important to hydrate my voice with steam as much as possible, especially in the cold winter weather. So I do. It helps!

Hey! Look what I see on my walk to the theatre! I'm in that show guys. Why isn't my pic on the side of a bus?!

I pass through Times Square every time I go to work! Such a strange, yet magical place. I should work on my posing skills.

Outside the stage door. I don't want you to forget that I'm at The MAJESTIC theatre.

How I'm greeted every day. (Riiiggght.) Love these ladies. (left to right: dance captain Laurie V. Langdon, dresser Sarah Snider and dresser Jennifer Caruso)

Some of the lovely stage management team (Craig Jacobs, Greg Livoti and Andrew Glant-Linden).

Oh just signing some Playbills because I am so famous. No big deal!

I'm getting better at putting on my stage make-up.

But I'm still lousy at putting on my eyelashes. It takes me at least two tries every time!

Hair Supervisor Leone Gagliardi prepping my hair for my wig. I'm not sure how I feel about this look...

Final make-up touches. Hugh Panaro always yells at me if I come visit him without my lips. He says I look like the corpse bride because my eyes are so dark. This from the man in scary Phantom makeup.

I HAVE to brush my teeth right before I go on and usually I also forget to shave.

I adore Hugh Panaro for so many reasons. (also with assistant make-up supervisor Pearlita N. Price)

Me preparing in the SM office.

Intermission robe time. You can see my smudgy lips from all that making out I do with Raoul.

Sarah Snider, my wonderful dresser. She has big shoes to fill and she is doing an excellent job. (original Christine dresser Erna Dias just retired after 25 years with the show!)

Michele McConnell is actually one the sweetest ladies alive, but she plays an amazing meany-pants Carlotta onstage. BTW This is my most attractive look.

Finishing in super dork style, as always.

In between shows, my good friend Lynne Abeles and I head to an event for Sing for Hope, an organization that brings the power of the arts to the communities that need it the most. I hope to one day join. We're with Co-Founding Director Camile Zamora.

Then we eat at Schnippers. I enjoy the yummy fish tacos.


The crew during the "pre-set" (i.e. setting up) for the second show.

The crew had a moment to spare and told me to hop into the elephant. I gladly obliged. I bet you are all jealous!

Sierra Boggess Facetiming with her man before the second show of the day!

Hanging out with the very talented and sweet superstar, Sierra Boggess

Seth Sklar-Heyn, our Production Supervisor, and the original Musical Director of Phantom, David Caddick. I work with such handsome, gifted men.

Me and Soot, Hugh's Labradoodle, enjoy a cuddle in The Phantom dressing room

Carrington Vilmont makes the fastest makeup change of all time from the Auctioneer in the opening to Monsieur Reyer in "Hannibal"

Jim Weitzer checking his phone at intermission. Seems like an interesting message.

A trio of beautiful ballerinas: Carly Blake Sebouhian, Aubrey Morgan and Amanda Edge.

Hanging out in the "green" room (under the stage) before their next entrances: Julie Schmidt, Paul A. Schaefer, Richard Poole, Andrew Drost, Heather Hill and Jeremy Stolle.

Jeremy Stolle and I spent a lot of time in rehearsal together as he covers both Raoul and The Phantom. He's amazing.

Hairdresser Tiffany Bolick doing wig maintenance during the show. So grateful to our wonderful Hair, Make-up and Wardrobe departments.

The loveable Nathan Patrick Morgan as the Jeweller.

Ballerina Mabel Modrono and vacation swing (and former Meg) Polly Baird - wigless! - being just so darn cute.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Hugh Panaro.

With Ellen Harvey and Jim Weitzer, giving Good Face.

I couldn't ask for better cast mates. These three (Andrew Drost, Lynne Abeles and Nathan Patrick Morgan) are no exception.

Satomi Hofmann having an awesome makeup day as the Confidante.

Sierra Boggess photobomb!

Dueling Raouls caught on the stairs: Paul A. Schaefer and Kyle Barisich

Ellen Harvey and I have fun...

This is what I saw on my walk to the subway after the show. Only in New York. Or I guess where camels actually live...

So sleepy on the train. I went home and watched around 5 hours of television because I usually can't sleep right away after the excitement of a show. Even if I didn't perform tonight! Come visit us at the beautiful Majestic Theatre!


  1. jůůůů! Ona je tak... tak... křehká a jemná Christine!
    A je úžasná!
    She is so funny!
    A co je hlavní! Není tak nelidsky krásná jako Sierra! Je to normální žena (přestože s okouzlujícím hlasem), takže holky! Dont worry, možná to na jednou dotáhneme aspoň na osvětlovačky! :D
    Sierra Boggess photobomb! ó bože! :D

  2. Osvětlovačka je můj nový dream-job! :D :D
    Ach ano, Sierřina duckface :D ona je vskutku asi jediný člověk na planetě, kterému sluší i takový výraz. :D



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